
Halal Food for Moslem People

Jakarta, Faquha.siteHalal product is any product allowed to be consumed by moslem. The opposite of halal product is haram product, it is any product not allowed to be consumed by moslem. 
Halal product is more general than halal food, because food is only anything to eat and drink, and product is covers and contents also anything like medicine and cosmetic.
According to the Islamic teaching, there are three reasons that the moslem is not allowed to consumethe haram product:

1.  The worship will be rejected
Al-Imam Muslim narrated a Hadith from the Companion Abu Hurairah radhiyallah ‘anh, that the Noble Prophet Muhammad saw. (pbuh) said, “O, Mankind. Surely Allah is good and doesn’t receive unless good.” And Allah ordered the believers by which He ordered the Messengers. He said:
                                                                                                              (المؤمنون: 51)
“O, The Messengers, eat the good things, and do good deed, because I know anything you are doing” (Q.S. al-Mu’minun; 51)
And then, the Prophet saw. (pbuh) mentioned a traveler in long journey, his hair was dirty by dust, he hang up his two hands to the sky, saying, “O my Lord, O my God.” And his food was haram, his clothes were haram, and he consumed the haram products. How can Allah received his praying? (Shahih Muslim, I/406)

According to this Hadith, Allah did not receive his praying, caused he consumed the haram products. If his praying was rejected, and the praying is the worship, as the prophet (pbuh) said:
الدعاء هو العبادة
(رواه أبو داود والترمذي وأحمد)
“The praying is the worship (devotion)” (Hadith narrated by Abu Dawud, al-Tirmidzi, and Ahmad)
So, all worships will be rejected, if moslem consumes the haram products.

3.Enter into the hell
The Noble Prophet Muhammad saw (pbuh) said:
إنه على سحت، النار أولى به لا يدخل الجنة لحم ودم نبتا
 “Surely, will not enter into the paradise meet and blood growing on haram. The hell is its special place” (Hadith narrated by al-Imam Ahmad and al-Hakim)

And that be caused the consumption is growing the body. And the body grown by haram product doesn’t like to worship and obedient to Allah. The body like this only likes to make ma’siyah (disobedient). Then, all of its movements and activities are haram. The body which this is its character is no place for it unless the hell.
3.      Endanger the health

No doubt, that Allah The Exalted when allowed the halal product for mankind nothing background that unless for mankinds’s interests. And when forbid mankind to consume the haram product, nothing background that unless this haram product endanger them. Everybody knows that consumption the haram products, such as narcotic, poison, or subtance that can cause death and something intoxicate, is endanger the health of mankind. So this is a hikmah (interest) in which Allah forbid all haram products.

On this three reasons mentioned, all moslem people in the world do not consume the haram or non-halal products. Then, the consumption of halal products according to the moslem belief is a part of the worship and obedient to the God, Allah, The Exalted, and the consumption of the haram or non-halal products is the ma’siyah or disobedient to Allah. So, consumpting the halal product and worship is one united not separated

And for these reasons, the Goverment of moslem countries protects his people, that it doesn’t give permit for meets imported if it has no halal certificate issued by recognized Halal Certifying Body in exporting countries.

May Allah guide us into what He likes and He wants. (Prof. Ali Mustofa Ya'qub) 

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